英文简历也是体现你英语水平的一个机会,大家不妨趁机好好表现吧!以下是国际关系优秀英文简历模板,以供阅读! 国际关系优秀英文简历模板No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China, 200070 |
小光头诗集@com | (+86) 13xxxxxxxxx |
Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD |
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, Minor: Economics | May 2023 |
Overall GPA: 3.3, Major GPA: 3.5 |
Relevant course work: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Trade, Monetary Analysis, Statistics, Financial Accounting, Investment & Portfolio Theory. |
Second Decade Society Grant Recipient | 2023 |
Soccer Captain of the Year | 2023 |
Private Client Intern | Merrill Lynch | Baltimore, MD | May - June 2023 |
• | Performed stock market research and analysis using the Bloomberg terminal for senior vice president in charge of private client accounts exceeding $10 million. |
• | Co-authored weekly newsletter evaluating market performance. |
Intern | Maryland Office of Consumer Protection | Baltimore, MD | July 2023 - March 2023 |
• | Investigated complaints in conjunction with the Office of the Attorney General. |
• | Created first database logging all complaints filed in the past two years using Excel. |
• | Initiated project researching top 10 complaints related to geographical regions. |
Law Office Clerk | Barbers, Cohen and Saks | Los Angles, CA | March - June 2010 |
• | Assisted lawyers in preparation for trial and client meetings by coordinating schedules and systemizing files. |
• | Organized and maintained library and confidential records. |
Volunteer | Canterbury Spanish School | Barcelona, Spain | May - August 2009 |
• | Advised students and parents about application process into school. |
Community Relations Chair | Foreign Affairs Symposium | Washington, DC | 2023 - present |
• | Publicized annual spring speaker series (George Mitchell (ret.), and Professor Noam Chomsky), drawing capacity crowds. |
• | Surveyed international officials about relevant topics to be researched. |
Vice President | Circle K | Los Angeles, CA | June - December 2023 |
• | Initiated weekly tutorial program for local area middle school students. |
• | Coordinated membership recruitment and retention efforts for largest community service organization. |
• | Provided motivation and leadership to team members. |
Captain | Club Soccer Team | Los Angeles, CA | May 2008 - March 2009 |
Fluent in Spanish and Catalan |
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and HTML |
英文简历书写注意事项 1.勇于表现个人风格,不要拘泥形式 英文履历没有所谓的固定形式,你必须衡量自身以及职务需求,打造最能凸显优势的内容呈现方式,并且格式要自行设计。往往履历本身的整体独创性也会是列入评分的项目之一。以所附的模板为例,有时候你可能不一定要写出「professional Qualities」(技能以及专长)这个项目,或甚至以「Summary」(经历概要)来加以代替,这些都完全取决于你自己的弹性。 2.文章以条列编排为最高原则 主试者可能每天要看的履历不只上百封,停留在一份履历的时间顶多不超过10~20秒的时间。因此建议将文章内容以条列方式呈现,让主试者在短短的时间内能马上抓住这份履历的重点。 3.尽量控制在一张以内的份量 一份厚厚的履历对忙碌的人事主管来说会是个可怕的梦魇。因此即使有再辉煌的事迹值得陈述,还不如多费一点心思设计你的版面,务必以不超过两张纸为原则。