随着职场竞争的激烈,现在英文简历也越来越受欢迎,那么你会写英文简历吗?今天我们就一起来看看海外交流生英文简历模板吧! 海外交流生英文简历模板No.67, Lane123 Job Road,, Job District, Shanghai | (+86) 138-XXXX0000 | |
University of California | Berkeley |
Bachelor of Arts, Cognitive Science and Linguistics | GPA 3.79 | May 2023 |
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile | Santiago, Study Abroad | July-December 2023 |
Research Assistant | Affective Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, UC Berkeley | January 2023-present |
• | Collected, manipulated, and classified images into emotional and semantic categories for experimental stimulus sets |
• | Assisted fMRI scan sessions with subjects, including careful and efficient pre-scan equipment set-up and attentive eyetracking and bio-data collection during scans |
• | Used SPM software to accurately define specific brain area as Region of Interest from previous fMRI scans |
• | Helped design and co-execute two-part behavioral study, collecting behavioral data from a total of 60+ subjects (and counting) for honors thesis project |
• | Attended and actively participated in weekly two-hour lab meetings, in addition to initiating and participating in smallergroup meetings to communicate ongoing updates and issues of tasks in progress |
Extern | North Oakland Community Charter School, Oakland | January 2023 |
• | Observed special education resource teacher duties, including meetings with parents and teachers, lessons with individual students and small groups, and ad hoc academic and behavioral guidance of students in class |
• | Assisted in reading, writing, and math tutoring and behavioral guidance of troubled students in grades 2-8 during lessons |
Volunteer | Ruca Rayén School (for severely disabled youth), Santiago, Chile | August-November 2023 |
• | Cheerfully assisted class of 5-10 students in daily activities |
• | Provided one-on-one help with meals and hygiene, participated and guided students in games, songs, and crafts |
Volunteer | Fundación San Nectario (school for autistic children), Santiago, Chile | August-November 2023 |
• | Assisted with PE class and recess, crafts and cooking, occupational therapy, school-wide cultural activities; maintained positive attitude and mentoring demeanor |
Research Assistant | Infant Cognition and Language Lab, UC Berkeley | January 2023-May 2023 |
• | Recruited and patiently managed infant and toddler subjects |
• | Designed and set up studies, created experimental stimuli |
Mentor | Longfellow Middle School, Berkeley | September 2010-May 2023 |
• | With dedication and reliability, tutored and mentored one middle school student, punctually chaperoned weekend events and enthusiastically volunteered at concession stands |
Traveled internationally since 1992. Places visited include Canada, Mexico, India, France, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Scotland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Paraguay, Chile, and Argentina. |
Programming: | Fluent in Java, Scheme. Proficient in Jess, Python, Matla |
Software: | Microsoft Office, Macromedia Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Mathematica, SPSS (introduced Spring 2023) |
Languages: | Fluent English, Bengali, Spanish; Proficient Hindi |
Interests: | singing, piano (14 years), karate (9 years), reading fiction, knitting |
延伸阅读 办公室说话技巧 1、不要和上司开玩笑 有的上司和蔼可亲、平易近人,上下级之间的界限不是那么清楚。但是作为下属的你要知道,上级只要在你上头一天,就要和他保持一定的距离,不要以为自己在工作中能和他成为朋友,否则,当遇到一些朋友之间的私事时候,他会首先拿上级的辈分来打压你。即便以前你们是同学或者朋友,也不要拿过去的交情和上级开玩笑。 2、不要拿同事的缺点开玩笑 金无足赤人无完人。不能拿同事的缺点开玩笑,你以为自己很熟悉对方,随便说些玩笑话,如果对方比较敏感,觉得你在冷嘲热讽,你的一句玩笑话触怒了他。那么你们两个的友谊已经破碎,同事的关系变得紧张。另外,取笑别人的缺点,会深深的伤害到对方,事后道歉一万次都没用,想要后悔也来不及了。 3、不要板着脸开玩笑 这是幽默的最高境界——往往听笑话的人笑得前仰后合,而说笑话的人却不苟言笑,这是幽默大师说笑话的程度。而生活中的我们,并不是幽默大师,很难做到这点,如果你不苟言笑的说笑话,那么对方笑过之后,看到你板着脸,顿时气氛就尴尬了,而且会引起不必要的误解。 4、不要和异性同事开玩笑 办公室里开玩笑可以调节紧张的气氛,异性之间的玩笑也会缩短两人的距离,但是次数不要过多,不然会让周围同事产生暧昧的眼光看待你们两个人。并且不能在异性面前说黄色笑话,这样会降低自己的人格,异性也会认为你的思想不健康。 5、不要总和同事开玩笑 开玩笑的次数应该把握一个度,一两次的玩笑就行了,总是开玩笑,时间一长,就会显得自己不够尊重同事,在领导面前,也会显得自己不够踏实与成熟,领导也不能在信任你,不会委以重任。