对于求职者来说,简历就像门面,能让招聘者了解求职者的相关情况,所以打造一份适合自己的简历是很有必要的,今天我们就一起来看看如何制作一份合适的简历吧! 医疗器械研发英文简历模板No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China, 200070 |
(+86) 138-0013-8000 | service@qiaobutang.com |
To obtain a summer 20XX internship position in the field of medical devices |
Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD | Expected 2023 |
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering | GPA 3.75 |
Related Coursework: | Introduction to Programming in Java | Circuits Systems and Controls |
| Models and Simulations | Mechatronics |
| Electromagnetic Nanodevices | Digital Systems Fundamentals |
| Electrical & Computer Engineering Lab | Control Systems |
Biomedical Engineering Design Team 2010 - 2023 |
• | Granted U.S. Government Provisional Patent (99/999,999) |
• | Awarded 1st place at 20XX Biomedical Engineering Design Day Competition |
• | Received 20XX NCIIA Grant: $15,500 - Dynamic Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) |
• | Presented Linda Trinh Memorial Award for best exemplification of a BME Design Team |
• | Engineered a more resilient, therapeutic, easily fitted, and economical AFO than current products on the market |
• | Performed market research and IRB approved human trials to assess and address limitations of current AFO |
• | Developed 3-D computer models for stress testing, mechanical/material analysis, and manufacturing |
• | Created and evaluated working prototypes and current products via IRB approved human trials and strength tests |
• | Managed four underclassmen members and guided them through the design, research, and manufacturing process |
Research Assistant | Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Integrated Surgery | 2010 - present |
• | Write complex computer programs to aid surgeons in neurosurgeries |
• | Presented work with supervising graduate student at regional conference on robotics in health care |
Therapeutic dynamic ankle-foot orthosis | journals paper |
Student, R. (in press). Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation |
Software: | ProEngineer; MATLAB; MiniTab; InDesign; AutoCAD; LABVIEW; Simulink |
Laboratory Equipment and Techniques: | Evaporator; Electrodeposition; Fluorescent Microscopy |
延伸阅读 澳门面试注意事项 1、面试前一定要记得手机调静音或关机,整理好衣着和头发;不宜吸烟,保持口气清新;等待面试时请不要把简历卷起来,最多只可以折叠一次;等待面试时不宜与其他求职者交流,要让自己的头脑冷静下来调整好心态。 2、不管你是敲门进去,还是直接坐下面试的时候,一定记得礼貌用语打招呼:您好!对方让自己坐下的时候说:谢谢!面试时建议保持微笑。坐姿一定要正,不要抖腿,讲话时最好不要太多肢体语言。 3、重要问题解答(仅供参考): 面试官:请先自我介绍? 求职者:如果面试官没有特别强调,那么自我介绍的时间1-3分钟最合适。主要介绍自己的姓名、年龄、学历、专业特长、工作经历等,可谈谈对应聘职位的想法和对本行业的看法。 面试官:为什么想来澳门工作?(虽然所有人都知道因为澳门工作高) 求职者:我想有一个更好的发展平台,能学习和锻炼自己,让自己的见识更广。 面试官:能否吃苦耐劳?我们这份澳门工作很辛苦的!(HR试探你的反应) 求职者:(迅速回答)我不怕辛苦,我觉得工作就是要多付出才有回报。 面试官:你要求的澳门工作待遇是多少?(最常见的问题) 求职者:(只字不要提多少钱)我觉得作为一个新人,按照贵公司的待遇标准执行就行了;如果我有机会进入贵公司上班,并且把工作做好,相信我的老板不会亏待我。 (注:很多人在这里出问题。如果你们不是优秀或高技能人才,建议不要自己开高价。) 企业招什么人,给多少工资其实一般都提前定好,不会因为你要求的高而加价录取你,也不会因为你要求低就给的低。我们建议这个问题:避而不答) 面试官:你有什么朋友在澳门工作吗? 求职者:(未婚人士)建议不要说自己另一半也在澳门。 面试官:你还有什么问题要向我们咨询吗?(如果企业这么问,说明已经有80%希望) 求职者:我想了解一下作为一个新人刚进公司不懂的时候,公司有培训吗?(类似这种 回答体现一个人爱学习,积极向上的态度,可以给自己的面试加很多分)