如果你能写出一份让HR称赞或是让HR一见钟情的英文简历,那意味着你的求职已经成功一半了。那么,如何才能把英文简历写好呢?以下是咨询类英文简历模板,欢迎阅览! 咨询类英文简历模板No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China 200070 |
小光头诗集@.com | (+86) 13xxxxxxxxx |
Job Objective: Entry Level in Strategy Consulting |
KPMG FORENSIC | New York, NY | September 2023-Present |
Investigative and Integrity Advisory Services (IIAS) Senior Associate |
• | Provide litigation and investigative services, such as class-action and anti-money laundering services, as well as fraud and misconduct diagnostics |
• | Serve as co-administrator for database with over 100,000 records in ongoing class-action suit for City of New York |
• | Build fraud investigative team within Internal Audit group of major telecommunications company |
• | Co-manage small teams on engagements for large data preparation and analysis projects |
• | Manage and analyze large amounts of client data for investigation purposes |
• | Create reports for client presentations and internal use and prepare materials for pitches to prospective clients |
• | Translate client documents from Spanish to English for engagements |
• | Worked extensively at client sites in Latin America reviewing relevant documents for cases, preparing reports on findings for clients, and interviewing personnel regarding client procedures |
• | Conducted anti-money laundering engagement involving major banks and private entities in Uruguay and Argentina |
• | Managed contract dispute case in Columbia involving government and private entities in telecommunications industry |
• | Led investigations of questionable write-offs and profit statements for publishing and engineering firms in Mexico |
SALOMON SMITH BARNEY | New York, NY & London, UK | May 2010-August 2010 |
Global Fixed Income E-Commerce Group Intern |
• | Analyzed usage statistics for fixed income researchwebsite, Salomon Smith Barney Direct |
• | Wrote proposals for future development of site based on customer usage and changes in data presentation |
• | Redesigned areas of site for more interactive use by customers in future release |
• | Trained other employees on new functions added to site |
• | Helped set up new users for site and assisted with questions about site on helpline |
• | Rotated to London E-Commerce desk for two weeks |
• | Led global data restructuring project for European Region |
• | Worked extensively with London staff to correct current data on customers and find missing customer data |
CAREER SERVICES, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA | Philadelphia, PA | September 2009-June 2010 |
Database Manager, the Wharton School Group of Career Services |
• | Developed and formatted divisional databases of information on past graduates |
• | Developed applications for querying database |
• | Designed web pages for division website |
STARTEC GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS | Bethesda, MD | May 2009-August 2009 |
• | Edited and updated departmental procedural handbook for Network Operations Center (NOC) |
• | Assisted in planning and implementation of department's transition to new location |
• | Worked with Global Carrier Services to audit cellular rates offered to other companies |
• | Helped develop new Small to Medium Enterprise Division (SMED) |
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA | The Wharton School | Philadelphia, PA |
• | Bachelor of Science in Economics, May 2005 |
• | Concentration in Operations and Information Management (OPIM), Information Systems |
• | Minor in History of Music |
• | Software: Microsoft Office, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual FoxPro, ACL (Accounting Control Language), Claris Works |
• | Computer Languages: HTML, basic Java and Visual Basic, C, Visual FoxPro |
• | Bilingual (English and Spanish) |
• | Avid classical music and opera aficionado |
面试的三种能力 在面试中我们需具备这样的能力 a.沟通能力 应聘者表述的时候要逻辑清晰明了,语言详略得当,表述的时候要突出重点,观点明确。对不清楚的知识点,勇于承认,不要不懂装懂 b.学习能力 面试官向应聘者询问最近有看什么书,做什么事,从中学到了什么内容面试官抛出一个新概念,期待应聘者能通过思考,提问,再思考的过程理解他们并最终解决问题。 c.提问能力 优秀的学习者也是优秀的提问者,通过提问,面试官会认为你态度积极,求知欲望强烈,给面试结果加分。