一份好的英文简历,对于找工作至关重要,有时甚至起到决定性的作用。下面提供咨询顾问岗位英文简历模板,欢迎阅览! 咨询顾问的英文简历模板(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx | 小光头诗集@.com |
Job Objective: Entry Level in Strategy Consulting |
Brown University | Providence, RI Expected Graduation May 2023 |
• | Bachelor of Science in Applied Math-Economics | 3.95/4.0 GPA |
• | Courses include Econometrics, Financial accounting, Corporate Finance, and Management of Industrial and non-profit organizations |
Wall St. Training | Providence, RI, October 2023 |
• | Participated in a workshop over the course of two days, constructed a model of projected financials for Wal-mart from their 10K. |
Sanskriti School | Science Stream, Science average 93% | New Delhi, India, 2008-2010 |
• | Placed first in the school in Computer Science in the nationwide class XIICBSE examinations |
The Shri Ram School | Gurgaon, India, 2004-2008 |
• | Placed first inthe school in nationwide class X ICSE examinations |
IBM GPS Analytics | Summer Analyst | Singapore, Summer 2023 |
• | Currently building an insurance fraud analytics offering |
• | Built an automated MS Excel template to report customer satisfaction data |
Brown Collegiate Consulting Group | Student Consultant, Director of Conferences | Providence, RI, Fall 2023-Present |
• | Worked with a top-tier consulting company to increase their presence on the Brown University campus |
• | Will serve as the Director of Conferences starting fall 2023 |
Brown University | Economics Research Assistant | Providence, RI, Summer 2023 |
• | Worked with a top-tier consulting company to increase their presence on the Brown University campus. |
• | Will serve as the Director of Conferences starting fall 2023. |
IMG | Consulting intern | New Delhi, India, Summer 2023 |
• | Performed a SWOT analysis on the “Incredible India” tourism campaign. |
• | Suggested short, medium and long term recommendations for the India tourism board. |
Tricolor India | Finance Intern | Mumbai, India, Summer 2010 |
• | Built an economic model for Everest Kanto Cylinders Ltd. |
Kopsource.com | Columns writer | Summer 2023-Current |
• | Write soccer columnsfor the Liverpool FC fan site. |
ESPNStar | Media Intern | New Delhi, India, Summer 2023 |
• | Operated a soccer community site for the South Asian market. |
• | Wrote daily blogs, and initiated forum discussions to garner interest. |
Brown International Organization | Lecture series coordinator | Providence, RI, 2023-2023 |
• | Organize lectures pertaining to international issues by prominent speakers. |
Teaching Assistant | Management of Industrial and Nonprofit Organizations | Providence, RI, Fall 2023 |
• | Guide a section of students through case studies. |
Group Tutor | Intermediate Microeconomics, and Principles of Economics | Providence, RI, Fall 2023 |
Intramural soccer | Captain and referee | Providence, RI, Fall 2010-Present |
• | Started own team in fall 2008. Won a tournament that year, and reached the playoffs the next two years. |
• | Proficient in MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint |
• | Programming experience in C, C++, Java, Stata and Matlab |
• | Fluent in English and Hindi. Conversation skills in Tamil. |
盘点英文简历中一些常见的不良问题 英文简历是人们在求职中所不可缺少的东西,相信绝大多数的在职人员在求 职的过程中都做过英文简历。在求职中一份优秀的英文简历所起到的作用非常大,是获得面试的机会,也是直接影响求职的通过率。所谓优秀的英文简历,一方面是 简历的效果好,另一方面英文简历也要有可定性。当然了失败并不一定代表了简历的可读性较差,也有可能是招聘方的问题。 不过在编写英文简历的时候,还是以自己的问题为主,刚毕业的大学生经验比较少,很多英文简历写的不良问题非常多。那么,下面就来简单的盘点一些,常见的不良问题有哪些。 1,错别字以及常识性的名词错误 英文简历中有些部分需要有一些长句,不过总体来收英文简历中的文字数量不是很多,也正是因为如此,英文简历一旦出现错别字,其影响是非常恶劣的。此外,在某些别表述的时候,一些名词一定不能出现错误,比如说职位描述的含义、有限公司以及股份有限公司的区别等等。 2,简历文字内容太过冗长 有的一些求职者为了显示自己的履历丰富性,或者是在自我评价中凸显优点,会用大幅的文字来描写。这其实是写英文简历的一大禁忌,要知道哪些招聘官们,在筛选英文简历的时候,根本就不会细看,如果字符太多,还会起到负面的影响。 3,英文简历的框架混乱 机构框架整齐规范是英文简历的基本,有些求职者不懂其结构框架或者是想要显示另类,就很容易导致混乱, 不便于阅读,也就是很难通过了。