英文简历就像一个人的封面,一份好的简历能帮助求职者敲开外企的大门!那么英文简历这么重要,这里面有什么简历技巧呢?下面带来公共关系专业大学生英文简历模板,欢迎阅览! 公共关系专业大学生英文简历模板(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx | 小光头诗集@.com |
Skype:小光头诗集 | Gtalk:小光头诗集@.com |
To obtain a public relations writing position using my strong writing skills, clear communication skills and thorough researching abilities. |
Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD |
Bachelor of Arts, English, French | Overall GPA 3.3 | May 2023 |
• | Student Advisory Council to the President (2005 - present) | • | Dean's List (Fall 2005, Spring 2006) |
• | Williams Scholarship for academic achievement (2006) | • | Omicron Delta Kappa (2005) |
• | Winner of the National Critics Institute competition at American Theater Festival (2004) |
Staff Journalist | Summer Workshop Creative Artists, Inc | Mountain View, CA | Summer 2023 |
• | Coordinated and prepared newspaper and radio releases for art schools. |
• | Organized and executed publicity campaigns for three concurrent theater productions. |
• | Initiated and planned a panel discussion of key artists. |
Intern | Eileen Gillian and Associates | Miami, FL | Summer 2023 |
• | Researched and planned for course in public relations for small business owners. |
• | Prepared profiles and public relations programs which emphasized increased sales and improved public image. |
Editor-in-Chief | Johns Hopkins News-Letter | Baltimore, MD | 2010 - present |
News Editor/Managing Editor | 2010 |
• | Supervised 12 editorial departments and more than 100 staff members of a student-run newspaper, circulation 5,700. |
• | Expanded cultural coverage to include reviews of all campus theater productions. |
Reporter/Reviewer | Johns Hopkins News-Letter | Baltimore, MD | 2008 - 2009 |
• | Researched and reported on relevant community news. |
• | Reviewed various campus theater productions. |
• | Researched and reviewed local professional and amateur theater productions. |
• | Initiated a weekly column on up and coming actors. |
Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Access. Able to converse in Korean. |
面试问题职业方面问题三点 1、你找工作最重要的考虑因素是什么 
可以结合你正在应聘的工作,侧重谈你的兴趣、你对于取得事业上的成就的渴望、施展你的才能的可能性、未来的发展前景等方面来谈。 2、你认为你适合什么样的工作 结合你的长处或者专业背景回答,也许单位是结合未来的工作安排来提问,也许只是一般性地了解你对自己的评价,不要说不知道,也不要说什么都行。 3、你如何规划你个人的职业生涯 毕业生在求职前一定要对这样的问题有所考虑,并不仅仅是因为面试时可能被问到,对这个问题的思考有助于为个人树立目标。