英文简历也是你的另外一张脸,一份好的英文简历能让你首先脱颖而出。下面带来经济学专业大学生英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 经济学专业大学生英文简历模板(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx | 小光头诗集@.com |
Brown University | 3.75 GPA | Providence, RI Expected graduation May 2023 |
Courses include Principles of Economics, Honors Calculus, and Intermediate Microeconomics (Mathematical) |
Upper Dublin High School | 4.86 GPA | Fort Washington, PA, 2006-2010 |
National Merit Scholarship Winner, A.P. Scholar with Distinction (score “5” on 9 A.P. tests), Science Research Competition winner (Regional and State), Latin and Physical Education Department Medals |
Pennsylvania Junior Classical League | State Treasurer; Local Vice President | 2009-2010 |
• | Keep record and write checks for organization’s finances |
Brown/RISD Hillel Programming Board | Co-chair of Holidays’ Committee | Providence, RI |
• | Plan observance and celebration of Jewish Holidays for the campus community |
Temple Sinai United Synagogue Youth | President (12th) Vice President (11th) | Dresher, PA |
Community Service Experience |
Algebra in Motion | Providence, RI |
• | Tutor Hope High School Students in math and science |
TOP Soccer | The Outreach Program for Soccer | Brown University, Providence, RI 2023-2023 |
• | Assisted in weekly soccer program for children with disabilities |
Brown University Polo Team/United States Polo Association | Providence, RI |
Upper Dublin Varsity Track/Cross Country Teams | Captain | Fort Washington, PA 2006-2010 |
Brown University Intramural Soccer | Captain | Providence RI |
• | Recruited and organized team-members |
Institute of Dance Artistry | Senior/Apprentice Repertory Company | Providence RI |
Brown University | Viola | Providence, RI |
Woods Services | Equestrian Assistant | Langhorne, PA Volunteer Summer 2009, Employment Summer 2010 |
• | Provided equestrian therapy for individuals with physical, intellectual, and emotional disabilities |
• | Cared for two horses (feeding, grooming, maintenance of coral) |
Languages: | Proficient in Latin; Minimal Chinese |
Technical: | Comfortable with both PC and Mac Operating systems; MS Office proficiency including Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and Outlook |
面试中提问的技巧 不论你应聘的是何种工作,在尚无把握对方是否会录用你的时候问一些与工作无关的问题将是一个严重的错误。对于招聘经理来说最重要的是通过面试找到合适的人选。他们的思路是:先决定用谁,然后才谈条件。 
如果你是一个出色的应聘者,那么你就不会犯以上的错误。你应该把提问的重点放在雇主的需求以及你如何能满足这些需求上。通过提问题的方式进行自我推销是十分有效的,但应该注意的是这些问题必须满足以下条件:紧扣工作任务、紧扣职责。 根据以上这两点要求,求职者可以询问诸如以下的问题,如应聘职位所涉及的责任以及所面临的挑战、在这一职位上应该取得怎样的成果、该职位与所属部门的关系以及部门与企业的关系、该职位具有代表性的工作任务是什么。 求职者还要注意的是不要问一些通过事先了解能够获得的有关企业的信息,这会让人对你的面试目的是否明确表示怀疑。 以下是8个与工作相关的示范问题: 1、我的主要责任是什么? 2、您能描绘一下在这一职位上典型的工作日的情形吗? 3、做这份工作的前任是否被提升了?干这份工作获得提升的可能性怎样? 4、您认为这儿的气氛如何?正规而传统吗,还是充满活力,不拘一格? 5、我的第一份工作项目会是什么?