英文简历对很多求职者来说也是比较重要的,尤其是想在外企发展的话,今天跟各位分享编导助理岗位英文简历模板,以供参考! 编导助理岗位英文简历模板Permanent Address | Campus Address (until 5/22/2023) |
No.67,Lane123,Job Road, Job Distrinc,Shanghai,China | No.76,Lane321,Job Road,Job District Shanghai |
(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx | (+86) 13xxxxxxxxx |
Objective: Choreographer-director Assistant |
2023-2023 | Clare College | University of Cambridge | BA Hons English |
| Part I: 2.1, papers included 5000-word dissertation on Frankenstein and film |
2005-2010 | Banstead College | Surrey |
2010 | A Levels: Geography (A*) History (A) English (A*) |
2007 | GCSEs: 10 subjects, including Maths (9 As, 1 B) |
2023 | Production Assistant | Channel Four Television | London (4 weeks) |
| Selected and edited material for a Promotional Video. Compiled ITV play-out schedule, logging ITV trails.Assisted with Trail production and placing. |
2023-2023 | Head of Production | Cambridge Film and Television Society |
| Created and developed concepts for programmes, from Documentaries to Comedy. Managed shoots andedited videos. Instigated shorts competition. |
2023 | Advertising Executive Assistant | Morrison’s Supermarket, Woking (6 weeks) |
| Wrote and edited copy. Supervised photographic shoots. Runner during filming of advertisements. |
2023-2023 | Radio | Royal Charlotte Hospital, Sutton and Cambridge University Radio |
| Produced and presented weekly shows. Reported for local radio station, CNFM. |
| Regular writer of feature articles and arts reviews for Varsity (student newspaper). |
| Managed production team and cast of 30 in Black Sunday at main student venue in Cambridge. |
2005-2007 | Editor of The Banshee (School Magazine) |
| Selected, edited and proofread entries; designed layout of100-page publication. |
2023 | Clare College Ball | Managed advertising, publicity and PR for £30,000 event |
2023 | Faculty Co-ordinating Committee | Negotiated course changes with Senior Fellows |
2023 | Tennis Captain of College Club | Organised teams and special events |
2010-2023 | Travel | Backpacked around Europe, Australia, New Zealand and USA |
| Computing | Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint |
| Languages | Conversational French and Spanish |
| Driving | Full current driving licence |
| Member of British Film Institute |
面试中不可忽视的细节问题 一、抓住主考官的心 面试主考官可能会先评价一个应试者的衣着、外表、仪态及行为举止。 面试主考官会对应试者的专业知识、口才、谈话技巧做整体性的考核。 面试主考官可能会从面谈中去了解求职者的性格及人际关系,并从谈话过程中了解应试者的情绪状况、人格成熟度。 面试主考官也会从面谈中观察应试者对工作的热诚度及责任心,了解应试者对人生的理想、抱负及上进心。 二、知己知彼 除了“抓住面试主考官的心”之外,还要具有“知己知彼”的功夫。这四个字包括了以下几方面的意思: 首先要认识自己,了解自己的长处、兴趣、人生目标、就业倾向等。一般大专院校都会为毕业生聘请专家学者,辅导社会新人如何在社会上求职,并分析个人专业及志向,因此可充分运用这一渠道,为求职预先作好准备。或者多与家人及有社会经验的亲友沟通并交换意见,听取他们的建议并衡量个人志愿。 三、回答问题的礼节 当面试主试者提出某些问题令你觉得被冒犯且与工作无关时,可以有礼貌地请问为何要提出此问题,或委婉地回答:“很抱歉,我不知道这个问题与我所应征的工作有何关系,是否能等到我们对此职位有共同观点,且我已进入贵公司工作后,再来讨论私人问题。”但千万别说:“怎么问这么不礼貌的问题啊!” 毕竟对方将来有可能成为你的顶头上司,若因此而触犯了主考官,不但可能丧失掉一份工作机会,倘若被录取,也恐怕日后处事有所不便。所以即使对方所提问题非常不礼貌。身为求职者,也不能意气用事或表现出不礼貌的言词。你可以拒绝。但口气及态度一定要婉转温和。